A Trademark distinguishes your goods or services from another same line business or your competitors and can take many forms; for example words, slogans, logos, shapes, colours and sounds. By trademark registration, you own legal right to use the Brand name or Logo and can put restriction on others from using the same.
Trademark is registered for specific goods or services within individual subjects, known as classes. This should not be descriptive and must not include common surnames, geographical names, registered company names or anything implying royal patronage.
It is possible for others to register identical or similar marks as long as it is in a different, unconnected class. There are total 45 classes to choose for Trademark as per your activities. A Trademark can be registered under more than one class separate application for each class. Which benefits you to secure your brand name through all relevant classes.
TM can be use from the date of filing of the application with authority. Trademark Authority generally takes approx. one and half year to issue certificate and since the date of certification you become legal owner of the Trademark of your brand name and use ® symbol with your brand name.
A Govt. Registered Trademark Agent can File application for Trademark ONLINE and it is speedy process and cost effective and save Rs 1000 less Govt. fee. In all other cases, Applicant or Authorised Representative or Consultant normally file OFFLINE by visiting Department. BUT, it is suggestible to Get Registration Only from Authorised Govt. Agent. We’re Govt. Registered Trademark Agent in India.
Trademark search is the procedure by that we can check which trademark we want to registered that is already registered or not. The owner of a registered trademark may also commence legal dealings for trademark contravention to prevent unauthorized use of that trademark.
Trademark search is to ensure that a new mark not infringe third party rights and help prevent the risk of a costly infringement action. Further, a search can help to locate prior trademarks at the register that could block an application for your proposed trademark.
Requirements for Trademark / Logo Search:
1. Send Your Trademark / Logo via mail at
2. Pay Trademark Search Fees either by online fund transfer or online payment.
3. With in 24 hours you will get Trademark / Logo Search Report with Observations.
4. If Trademark / Logo is available for registration then we will proceeds with Trademark / Logo Application.
Trademark Application :
After Trademark Search, if Logo or Mark available for registration then we can proceed for Trade Mark Application. Trade Mark Application is second step for in Trademark Registration Procedure. Trade Mark Application can be done in One Day subject to availability of POA. Trade Mark Application can be done by Online submission or Physical Submission at Trade Mark Registry.
Requirements for filing a Trademark Application:
- If in Trademark Search, Respective Mark available for registration
- Send us detailed nature of business and a list of goods and/or services for which registration is required.
- Pay us Trademark Application Government Fees (Rs.4,500/-) along with our Professional Fees (Rs. 1,500/-) via Online Fund Transfer or Online payment.
- Soft copy of the trademark to be registered in .jpg format.
- Date of first use of the trademark in India, if at all used.
- Power of attorney simply signed by the applicant (no legalization or notarization is required). Power of attorney to be executed in 100 Rs. stamp paper and signed by the applicant.
1. Above Professional Fees are for Trademark / Logo Application. For Attending Third Party Objection or Objection from Trademark registry shall be charged separately.
2. Please Confirm the Amount Before Making Payment
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